Gerard Rozing

You are invited to follow the latest news about my participation in conferences, symposia, events and my publications in the field of liquid phase separation science in this blog. If you have a comment or suggestion for me about a post, please feel free to use the comment function at the bottom of each post. For your convenience, I have started adding a "home" icon to each post. Just click on the icon to return to the home page.

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From October 6 - 9, 2013, the 20th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase Separation Techniques (ITP2013) took place in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. The symposium series is one of the premier symposia on electrical field driven liquid phase separation techniques. Originating from a conference with premier focus on isotachophoresis (explaining the acronym) the series evolved to comprise all liquid phase electro separation techniques. Initially bi-annually, the series now takes places every other year in the Americas and Europe and has expanded it focus to encompass pressure driven liquid phase separations (HPLC).

From June 16 - 20, 2013, the 39th International Symposium on High-Performance-Liquid-Phase Separations and Related Techniques, better known as the HPLC conference series, took place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The symposium draw > 1500 participants from all over the world to the Amsterdam Rai Conference center. The symposium chairman Prof. Peter Schoenmakers of the University and his local organisation committee did an excellent job and made this issue an awesome event to be remembered for many years

This meeting was organized under the auspices of the Section Analytical Chemistry of the Royal Netherlands Society of Chemistry (KNCV) by Cari Sänger-van de Griend of Kantisto BV and Rawi Ramataur, of the Division of Analytical Biosciences at Leiden University on April 26, 2013. The meeting program was jointly arranged with the Section Analytical Chemistry of the Royal Belgium Society of Chemistry (KVCV) with Yvan van der Heyden and Debby Managelings, of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology of the Free University of Brussels, and Ann van Schepdael of the Drug Analysis Group at Leuven University. AVANS+  an advanced training institute in The Netherlands hosted the meeting under local responsibility of Nico Vonk.

14, the 29 th  International Symposium on MicroScale Bioseparations (MSB2013) took place at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.  The MSB-series was first established in 1989 in Boston by Professor Barry Karger (Barnett Institute at Northeastern University, Boston) as the symposium series on High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis (HPCE).The symposium has been very successful with growing interest in CE in the 1990ties and the beginning of the last decade. Despite the emphasis change in 2005 on the broader field of electrical and pressure driven micro-scale separations for bio-analysis, participation in the symposium had been declining especially with the US issues

The 30th issue of the "Forum Analytik" took place on February 12 and 13, 2013, in the Austria Trendhotel Schloss Wilhelminenberg in Vienna. This, almost traditional, event is organized by Agilent Technologies Austria together with the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemists. The forum aims to bring together prominent scientists who review their specific fields of work and tutorial talks from Agilent scientists providing insights in the practice of Agilent's chemical and bio-analysis systems. In addition the newest Agilent analysis equipment is shown together with consumables and software solutions. 

Friday, November 16 2012, I was invited to talk in the fall meeting of the Workgroup Separation Science (WGS) of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society in Geleen, Netherlands. The theme of the meeting "HYPERformance Liquid Chromatography" may be regarded as a prelude to the HPLC2013 symposium in Amsterdam in June next year.

A PDF-copy of my oral presentation at the 28th International Symposium on MicroScale Bioseparations and Analyses , October 21- 24 in Shanghai, China is available via the menu "My Publications" on this site. Please register and stay informed about news on this site.

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