From June 16 - 20, 2013, the 39th International Symposium on High-Performance-Liquid-Phase Separations and Related Techniques, better known as the HPLC conference series, took place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The symposium draw > 1500 participants from all over the world to the Amsterdam Rai Conference center. The symposium chairman Prof. Peter Schoenmakers of the University and his local organisation committee did an excellent job and made this issue an awesome event to be remembered for many years


I have been a member of the extended organisation committee and responsible for e-promotion before the conference and for arranging the best-poster-award competition during the conference. The symposium has been reviewed by many on different locations and I want to refer e.g. to the reviews that have been published in LC.GC Magazine.

For my part I have summarized the best poster award in a presentation which is accessible via the menu "My Publications", submenu item My Orals. The file is formated as a MP4 video. Let me know in case you have difficulties visualizing the presentation.