A Tribute to Prof. K-P Hupe, Scientist, and Entrepreneur

Along with receiving the Pittcon Heritage Award 2021, Agilent Technologies in Waldbronn invited me to deliver a comprehensive presentation of the scientific works and the entrepreneurial endeavors of Prof. Peter Hupe at the first Agilent Infinity Lab LC virtual scientific conference, on June 22 and 23. Details of this conference can be found at the following location Agilent Virtual Event.

Since many have asked me whether they could review the presentation at a convenient moment I have made the presentation available from my website. Please click on

A Tribute to Prof. K-P Hupe, Scientist, and Entrepreneur

Keep in mind that this is a large file that will stream in your browser. If you require a private copy of the video, please contact me. 

Also, I have taken a copy of the Agilent InfinityLab LC virtual scientific conference e-book. Please review the program, the abstracts, and the short bios of all speakers at this location.